Passages and modulations: from space to hypertext

Prerequisites: Previous lessons on spatial motifs
Objectives: To pursue the interpretation of spatial motifs, focusing on transition effects
Description: After the lessons on static spatial motifs as intellectual models, this lesson focuses on motifs acting as transition between the former: gateways, both literal and metaphorical 


Such motifs exist in the arts and in reality; they have also been commented upon in texts of aesthetics.
  • Transition motifs in landscape, townscape and painting

The structure of the 'three distances' in depth in landscape, and of the lateral framing effects, makes it necessary to provide links between these areas.

  • Transition motifs in aesthetic theory

Transition motifs were defined in aesthetic theory; we can study the history of the notion of 'transition'


The use of 'gates' can apply to electronic information spaces.


  • The logic of electric 'gates'

The logical operators 'and' and 'or' can be represented by electric circuits: see the work of  Claude Shannon on logic gates

  • Gateways and portals

Lists of websites on a subject are called 'gateways' or 'portals'



Table of contents